
Nicholas Slagle


High School: Fulton High School
Class of 2014
College: Pellissippi State Community College

About Me

Fan of NASCAR and the Atlanta Braves.

My Website Portfolio

Listed below are some of the websites I have built.


This website was designed and built for the radio station at Fulton High School in Knox County, TN. It is home to the only high school radio station in East Tennessee. WKCS-91.1 FM Falcon Radio.

CTE Partnership

This site was built for the Knox County Career and Educational Teducation department. My web design class was commissioned to re design and build there site and this is the finished product.

Fulton Falcons

This site was designed and built for the Fulton High School Alumin Association.

FULCOM Webmasters

This site was built for the Technology Student Association competition in Washington, DC in 2014.

Need a Website?

E-Mail Me